What are they?

A sealant is a coating that gets applied to the grooves found on the surface of your teeth. What this coating does, is “seal” the tooth, in order to protect it from plaque formation and tooth decay. The idea is that by smoothing out the grooves and providing an extra layer of protection to the enamel, regular brushing will be more effective and plaque buildup will be less likely. Sealant application is very popular on children’s teeth during their cavity-prone years and is recommended as soon as child’s molars and premolars come in.

Is Sealant application painful?

No, their application is painless and is usually completed in a single visit.

How long do Sealants last?

Dental sealant protection can vary drastically from person to person. 5 – 10 years is the average protection period, after which time, sealants normally need to be reapplied or replaced in order to be resealed and extend their benefits.

Are Sealants only for kids?

No, adults can get sealants to their teeth, as long as they are without decay.

Why should I choose Dr. Vardanian for Dental Sealants?

Because Dr. Vardanian holds a DDS, MSD, PhD in dentistry and is one of the most experienced and reputable dentists in the Roseville/Sacramento area. During your visit, you and your child will be his only clients, to insure that every aspect of the dental sealant application is performed to the highest standards.

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